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Terms & Conditions

NielsenIQ welcomes you to Cleanfox, a free web and mobile-based service that makes it easier for you to manage your email accounts by offering you a tool that cleans your mailbox and automatically deletes your newsletters.This document concerns the use of Cleanfox only and cannot have the purpose or effect of restricting or substituting other existing documents such as the user data protection policy and the cookie policy. The fact that Cleanfox is free of charge depends on our ability to finance the service independently of any payment requested from users. This means that its business model is based on the creation, from transactional data recovered from your email account, of data which we offer for sale for statistical purposes to economic operators to enable them to improve their products and services and refine their market knowledge. NielsenIQ undertakes not to disclose to the latter any data for targeted advertising, profiling or reidentification purposes.
The purpose of these general terms of use is to inform you about how Cleanfox works, the rules to be obeyed, and the guarantees that you benefit from when using it. These general terms create a mechanism whereby the following rights granted to each party are offset against each other:

- The right for the user to benefit from the email account cleaning service free of charge,
- The right for NielsenIQ to extract the data listed in the transactional emails received by the user to market data for statistical purposes.
The following definitions are intended to aid your understanding of these general terms:

- « Cleanfox »: a service made available free of charge to the user by NielsenIQ via the Web, IOS, Huawei or Android which offers him/her an automatic tool that deletes newsletters received in his/her email account(s).
- « User »: means any Internet user who has installed Cleanfox and has signed up for the service for one or more of his/her personal email account(s).
- « Email account »: the email account entered by the user when registering with Cleanfox which is synchronised with the Cleanfox tool in order to benefit from the cleaning and newsletter targeting service.
- « Cleaning »: a process which consists of identifying newsletters in your email account by means of targeting tools and filters in order to enable you to delete them.« Transactional email »: means the email that is sent automatically and instantly by an online seller to the user to inform him/her of progress in an online purchase (confirmation of order, follow-up and confirmation of delivery, invoice, etc.), send him/her a commercial prospecting message (newsletter) or provide help of any kind (support email) to the user, from which data is extracted by NielsenIQ for the purposes of creating data for statistical purposes.
These general terms shall enter into force from the time when they are accepted by the User upon creation of his/her Cleanfox account and until it is finally closed.
These general terms shall be enforceable upon acceptance by the user when downloading the Cleanfox service and signing up for it. Any registration with Cleanfox implies prior and unconditional acceptance of these general terms, which you are invited to read carefully. If you do not agree to them, we request that you delete your Cleanfox account. Please note that the applicable general terms are always the latest version accessible via Cleanfox and that you cannot enforce any previous general terms of use against us. If you are a minor, you shall be regarded as having received permission from your parents or any person holding parental authority before you installed Cleanfox.
To use Cleanfox, you must first sign up for the service on the website or www.cleanfox.io or the application Cleanfox with a valid personal email address. The account creation process involves the following stages:

- Stage 1: you fill in your email address. Only email addresses provided on a personal basis by ordinary email services (Gmail, Live, Hotmail, Outlook, iCloud, Orange, Yahoo, MSN, etc.) will be recognised, excluding addresses that include professional domains.

- Stage 2: you must read and agree to these general terms and the Cleanfox user data protection policy and agree to give NielsenIQ access to your emails and so that you can benefit from the Cleanfox service. (We use only your transactional and promotional emails and never any personal email). By validating the registration, you confirm the synchronisation of Cleanfox with your email address.

- Stage 3: for Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Live, MSN, Yahoo, Icloud; for other email providers, go directly to stage 6: to make sure that it is really you who has connected to Cleanfox, you must go through the two-step authentication process, which increases the security of the connection to your account.

For Gmail, Yahoo, Icloud: you will receive a code sent to your mobile phone, by a text message, a call or by a notification via the Android system or the Gmail app for iPhone.

For Hotmail, Outlook, Live, MSN: your will receive a code by email to a secondary address, by text message or a notification on your smartphone via the application Microsoft Authenticator. We will display a tailored help page to you in order to help you to complete this stage.

- Stage 4: for Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Live, MSN, Yahoo, Icloud; for other email providers, go directly to stage 6: you must create an application password, i.e. a single-use password generated by your email provider for your first login to Cleanfox. On the app, you can either choose a manual configuration (i.e., you do all the steps yourself) or an automatic configuration (i.e., Cleanfox does it for you).

- Stage 5: only for Gmail: you must activate the IMAP protocol from your email account. We will display a tailored help page to you in order to help you to complete this stage. As on the prior stage, you can either choose a manual or automatic configuration.

- Stage 6: For Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Live, MSN, Yahoo, Icloud, you must log-in with the application password created on stage 4. For other email providers, you must log-in with your usual password.

- Stage 7: now that your registration is complete, Cleanfox starts synchronising your email account in order to isolate newsletters as per the procedure set out hereinafter.

You may add or delete an email account at any time using the functionality provided for this purpose. Adding email accounts will enable you to clean them simultaneously using the same user registration.
To sign up for Cleanfox, you identify yourself with your email address and, depending on which email service you use, either the password associated with your email account or the automatically-generated single-use application password. You must check that these login details, i.e. your email address and password where the latter is required, are correct, up to date and complete, and carefully obey the rules laid down by your email service in terms of your selection and updating of login details. Any use of Cleanfox with your account will be attributed to you. This means that you have sole responsibility for keeping and maintaining the confidentiality of your login details and the acts and conduct of any person who uses your account, even without your knowledge. Therefore, we cannot be held liable for any permanent deletion of newsletters from your account or in the event of any unlawful or fraudulent use of Cleanfox.
The email account cleaning service consists of Cleanfox firstly identifying your received newsletters by means of tools that target the subjects and addresses of emails in order to make a full list of them. Secondly, Cleanfox presents this list of newsletters to you and you may then choose, for each of them, to carry out one of the following actions:

- keep it in your inbox; or
- delete it, which means keeping the subscription to the newsletter for the future and putting newsletters received so far in the trash can; or
- delete it and activate automatic deletion of all newsletters sent subsequently by the same sender.

Cleanfox never deletes newsletters permanently, they are moved to the trash can, which enables the user to delete them manually or automatically according to his/her/their email account settings.
In exchange for the free provision of the email cleaning service, we use the transactional data extracted from your email account to produce data for statistical purposes for various economic operators. Firstly, we use techniques to filter subjects and email delivery addresses to identify transactional emails, which excludes any personal communication that you have received. Once they have been identified, we use a data extraction tool which enables us to extract the relevant transactional data from each of them, i.e. the data that classifies the transaction. This raw data is then enriched with artificial intelligence techniques which enable us to obtain further information about purchases made, but they cannot have the purpose or effect of identifying you in any way, and NielsenIQ uses tested pseudonymisation techniques at this stage. This structured data is used to draw up statistical study reports for various economic operators. At this stage it is impossible for you to be identified again.
We access your email account for the sole purposes of identifying newsletters to enable you to delete them on the one hand, and identifying your transactional emails in order to extract from them the data that enables us to produce statistics on the other hand. In the context of this access, we guarantee to you that our teams do not go through your email accounts freely. On the contrary, we use tools to filter email subjects and delivery addresses which enable us to identify transactional emails so that we can then, without accessing them as such, extract from them the relevant data giving details of the transaction performed. We are therefore able to guarantee that we respect the confidentiality of correspondence: firstly, we do not access any personal email that concerns you, and secondly, we do not extract any data from such emails. On a residual and occasional basis, a limited part of our teams may access your transactional emails in order to develop and improve our tools which filter emails and extract relevant transactional data.
In the « Statistics » section which can be accessed from your Cleanfox account, you can view statistics concerning the number of emails deleted and newsletters you decided to automatically delete and the number of online purchases that you have made.
You can close your account at any time by following the procedure stated in the FAQ accessible on the website www.cleanfox.io. In your account settings, you should select the email address with which you created your Cleanfox account and click on « Delete this email account ». Closure of your account for any reason ends the synchronisation between your email account and Cleanfox and loss of the benefit of the service offered through it. If it identifies a proven breach by you of these general terms, NielsenIQ reserves the right to suspend your account at any time, temporarily or permanently, without giving notice or formal notice of default.
Installing and using Cleanfox does not result in any transfer of intellectual property of any kind from NielsenIQ, the exclusive owner of Cleanfox, to the user.

The Cleanfox service and all of its components, including trademarks, drawings, models, images, text, photos, logos, software, programs, graphic charters, domain names, icons, slogans, designs or any other information or medium displayed or named on Cleanfox, without this list being exhaustive, are the exclusive property of NielsenIQ and are protected by the copyright, trademark, patent and any other intellectual or industrial property right that they are recognised as having under current laws. In all cases, we grant you a simple worldwide right to use Cleanfox for personal purposes for a period limited to the period for which Cleanfox is installed on your device, which will be revoked when you stop using it.

The user shall therefore refrain from any conduct or act which may directly or indirectly infringe NielsenIQ's intellectual property rights.

The user shall therefore refrain strictly from reproducing, representing, using, adapting, altering, reconstructing, modifying, translating, offering for sale, performing or obtaining unauthorised access to all or part of Cleanfox and/or the aforementioned components without having obtained our explicit prior authorisation.

The user acknowledges that any use of the aforementioned components which is contrary to these general terms would constitute an infringement which is a criminal offence under the Intellectual Property Code. NielsenIQ reserves the right to take legal action against any person who fails to comply with this prohibition.
NielsenIQ shall make its best efforts, in accordance with industry practices, to make Cleanfox secure and protect it from any fraudulent intrusion or cyberattack whatsoever, and the protection and security measures implemented are of course appropriate to address the risks affecting your data and privacy. However, in view of the exponential nature of technological advances, you acknowledge that Cleanfox is not immune to unforeseeable events affecting the Internet and its vulnerabilities and that no service is infallible.

If a security breach is detected, we may, at our sole discretion and without notice, suspend Cleanfox in whole or in part for an indefinite period or take any measure necessary to protect your data and the service. You are invited to inform us by email at the address support@cleanfox.io of any information that may help us to prevent or reduce the potential risks of security breaches affecting Cleanfox and your data.

You may only use our services to the extent permitted by law and Cleanfox's terms and conditions of use.
You may not misuse, disrupt, interfere with or otherwise cause harm to our services or systems. For example:
- Hacking into or bypassing our systems or safeguards
- Sending or injecting hostile requests
- Using our services in a fraudulent or deceptive manner, whether by creating false accounts or using a third party's email address.
We may remove, block or restrict account creation and access to features if we deem it necessary to prevent misuse of our services.
NielsenIQ acts in accordance with personal data protection regulations, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation, the updated French Data Processing and Freedoms Act, and the recommendations of EDPB. For more information about how your data is processed, you can refer to the personal data protection policy for users of Cleanfox by clicking here.
You acknowledge that you have been informed by a banner that when you use Cleanfox, cookies may be placed on your device. For more information about the nature of these cookies and the settings options for them, you can refer to our cookie policy by clicking here.
In its provision of Cleanfox, NielsenIQ is subject to a best-endeavours obligation. You acknowledge that you are the sole and only person with responsibility for your use of Cleanfox.

You declare that you know and accept the characteristics and limitations of the Internet, operating systems and electronic communication networks and acknowledge that Cleanfox is subject to the unforeseeable events that are associated with them and the proper operation of your device and third-party websites and services of newsletter senders.

You also acknowledge that because Cleanfox relies on access to your email account, the Cleanfox service would be unable to operate if this access became impossible for any reason. NielsenIQ shall not be liable for any impossibility of accessing or malfunctioning of your email account for which you would have to inquire directly at your email service provider.

We use the best-performing tools to identify the newsletters stored in your email account, but in view of technological advances and the wide range of ways in which senders of emails name them, we cannot be held responsible for errors in identifying a newsletter. We therefore invite you to check the contents of your inbox and your junk inbox regularly.

In accordance with industry practices, we make our best efforts to provide a high-quality, functional and pleasant service, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, subject to force majeure events and possible breakdowns or maintenance interventions necessary for the proper running of the service.

Consequently, we give no guarantee of continuity in relation to the use of Cleanfox and we cannot be held liable for failures, slowdowns, interruptions or saturation of the Internet connection or, in general, unavailability of the service, for any reason whatsoever.

Cleanfox is provided free of charge excluding the cost of an Internet subscription from a Telecommunications provider. Under no circumstances can we be held liable for any additional costs resulting from the use of the service, for any reason whatsoever.
Agreements, clicks or other evidence of your activity and decisions taken in your Cleanfox account shall be kept in reasonable conditions of security and shall therefore be regarded as proof of communications between us. As such, this provision must be regarded as an agreement in relation to proof.
If we do not take action in relation to your breach of the present terms and conditions, this cannot be construed for the future as a waiver by us of our right to take action to obtain compensation for the breach.
If one or more provisions of these general terms is/are found to be void or declared as such pursuant to a law or regulation or as a result of a decision by a court with jurisdiction which has become final, the other provisions shall retain all of their force and effect.
We reserve the right to unilaterally amend these general terms at any time so that they take account of improvements to Cleanfox, the addition of new functionalities or any updates justified by any regulatory changes.

No prior notice of updates to the general terms which have no effect on your rights and obligations will be given; you may read the applicable version in Cleanfox.

If an update to the general terms entails a change in your rights and obligations, a new version of the general terms will be communicated to you, and you will be required to agree to it within thirty (30) days after they are posted online. In order to do this, you must either continue to use the service or stop using it, and if you do not deregister for the service after the new general terms are communicated, they will be deemed to have been accepted.
These general terms are governed by French law. The same applies to substantive and procedural rules, regardless of the places where fundamental or subsidiary obligations are performed. The French courts have jurisdiction to consider any dispute in connection with these general terms for the use of Cleanfox.
For any queries with regard to the use of Cleanfox, you may contact NielsenIQ at the following address: support@cleanfox.io.