How to delete a Yahoo account?

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Newsletters, notifications and ads that keep appearing on your Yahoo account are starting to bother you? Do they bother you so much that you’ve decided to delete your account and create another email address? This few words of advice will help you to do it. Moreover, we will explain how to efficiently clean your mailbox in a single click.

Why delete your Yahoo account?

Your Yahoo account gives you an access to multiple services such as subscriptions to the news, job offers, the weather forecast, etc. You can also profit from its Flickr image hosting platform and the free webmail box. It is possible that these services do not interest you or you just haven’t used them. Nonetheless, you keep on receiving cumbersome emails and they distract you from more important activities.

Instead of wasting time to delete the undesirable emails one by one and unsubscribing from unnecessary services, you can opt for a more radical solution: the complete deletion of your account. However, before deleting your Yahoo account, it is important to save all your data: emails, Flickr pictures, agendas, Yahoo Finance wallets…

The steps to delete your Yahoo account

In order to delete your Yahoo account, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the deletion link
  2. Type in your Yahoo ID and password
  3. Repeat the same procedure when asked “If you really want to delete your Yahoo account!?”

  4. Complete the CAPTCHA
  5. Click on “Yes, delete this account” to finish

The account’s deletion will be effective in the 30 days following its closure. If you want to reactivate it. You simply need to connect to your account in this interval. Also, it is important to know that the deactivation of your Yahoo account also deletes your Flickr account and all its content. Hence, you will not be able to recover your profile, pictures and your identifications will not be usable by other internet users anymore.

Eliminate newsletters from your Yahoo account

Seeing all the spams and notifications in your Yahoo mailbox can quickly become bothersome. It is also unpleasant to receive hundreds of newsletters, especially if you don’t even recall subscribing to them.

There is an unsubscription link on every newsletter received and they are in small characters most of the time. To unsubscribe, you need to click on these links and follow the instructions, which are usually a satisfaction surveys, boxes to tick or observations to increase the quality of services.

All of this procedure is time consuming. You should choose a software that identifies the unnecessary newsletters and facilitates their deletion. Cleanfox is a free tool which sorts you previous emails and those you haven’t read. Then, you are offered the choice of either deleting them and/or unsubscribing in a single click.

The alternatives to Yahoo

To replace Yahoo, you can create a Google account or even an Outlook. Other than the mailbox, these accounts offer several services. For example, Google allows you to follow the financial news and know all the research trends, the volume of research and similar keywords. Added to its professional mailbox services, Outlook also offers a contact database, a calendar, notes and a task management tool.

Furthermore, you can unsubscribe from social medias or e-commerce websites such as Cdiscount.

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